Greenland Sled Dogs at Risk of Extinction
Arctic dogs, an essential part of life and culture on Greenland, are disappearing. Traditionally used for transporting people and goods across Greenland’s snowy landscape and for sled racing, the dog population is declining rapidly, falling by 50% over the past 20 years! It’s no surprise that global warming and the continuing melt of sea ice in the Arctic region are one of the main reasons. The ice is reducing and local people are no longer venturing out on the ice as much as before. Therefore, fewer sled dogs are needed…
There were originally 8,000 sled dogs on Greenland; now only 3,000 remain. This drastic population decline could lead to the extinction of this unique breed. Climate change is not only changing our lives and our environment, it is also affecting biodiversity.
#biodiversity #climatechange #globalwarming #meltingice #arcticcircle #arctic #sleddog #greenland